OPEN建筑事务所 - 项目建筑师 | 建筑师 | 幕墙设计师 | 设计研究助理 | 实习生



OPEN的作品在国际上赢得了广泛的关注和认可,曾获得亚建协建筑奖金奖、亚洲最具影响力设计大奖、英国AR未来建筑奖、欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖、美国室内设计年度最佳设计奖、美国建筑师协会教育建筑奖优胜奖、加拿大AZ设计大奖、美国P/A建筑奖、英国Civic Trust Awards大奖、德国标志性设计奖最佳建筑奖、伦敦设计博物馆年度设计提名、WA中国建筑奖优胜奖、中国建筑传媒奖最佳建筑奖、中国建筑学会创作奖金奖等。

近年来,OPEN也应邀参加了很多重要的国际展览,如2021年第17届威尼斯国际建筑双年展、2020伦敦设计博物馆年度最佳设计展、2018 China House Vision探索家——未来生活大展、2017年意大利维罗纳的城市灵魂展、2015年首届芝加哥建筑双年展、2014年第14届威尼斯国际建筑双年展等,其作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)和香港M+博物馆收藏。



招聘职位 Job Openings

项目建筑师ProjectArchitect (23)

1. 拥有5年以上在国内外优秀建筑事务所的工作经验,负责过中大型公共建筑项目全程的工作;

2. 出色的设计感觉、扎实的技术知识、敏锐的细节把控能力;

3. 熟练使用AutoCADRhinoAdobe等相关的工作软件;

4. 良好的职业精神、责任心、沟通能力,能够有效地组织和领导设计团队;

5. 中英文俱佳者优先。

1. Minimum of five years working experience in internationally renowned offices, having been involved in all phases of design work for medium to large-scale public projects;

2. Good design sensitivity, sound technical knowledge, keen attention to detail;

3. Proficient in AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp, Adobe Suite, and other work-related software;

4. Good work ethics and a strong sense of responsibility, good communicator, able to effectively organize and lead design teams;

5. Bilingual in English and Chinese is highly preferred.



1. 拥有1年以上建筑专业相关工作经验;

2. 优秀的设计才能和表达能力;

3. 思维清晰有条理,善于主动发现和解决问题;

4. 建筑专业本科及以上学历;

5. 有良好的职业精神和责任心,有较强的沟通能力和团队协作能力;

6. 热爱设计,精力充沛,有好奇心并善于学习;

7. 中英文俱佳者优先。

1. Minimum of one year work experience;

2. Excellent design ability and presentation skills;

3. Clear thinker, organized, self-driven;

4. Professional degree in Architecture;

5. Good work ethics and a strong sense of responsibility, good communicator, able to work collaboratively;

6. Passionate designer, dynamic and energetic, always curious about new things;

7. Bilingual in English and Chinese is highly preferred.


幕墙设计师Façade Architect(1)

1. 建筑、机械工程及其自动化、幕墙设计、土木工程等相关专业本科以上学历;

2. 至少2年以上幕墙设计相关经验,参与过中大型公共建筑项目全程的工作,熟悉幕墙系统和相关行业规范,并有与顾问合作的经验;

3. 熟练使用AutoCADRhinoAdobe等相关的工作软件;具备PythonC#的工作知识者优先。

4. 有良好的职业精神和责任心,以及有较强的沟通能力和团队协作能力;

5. 对建筑设计有热情与兴趣,希望参与到优秀公共建筑的设计建造全过程,融入到一个年轻并且充满热情的建筑师集体创作中;

6. 中英文俱佳者优先。

1. Professional degree in Architecture, Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Curtain Wall Design, Civil Engineering or other relative majors;

2. Minimum of two year working experience in curtain wall or relative experiences; having been involved in all phases of design work for medium to large-scale public projects, strong understanding of curtain wall standards and building codes, and experience working with consultants;

3. Proficient in AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp, Adobe Suite, and other work-related software; Work knowledge of Python or C# is highly preferred;

4. Good work ethic and a strong sense of responsibility, good communicator, able to effectively organize and lead design teams;

5. Passion and interest in architectural design; a desire to participate throughout the design process of significant works of Architecturea desire to be part of a young, motivated and passionate team of architects;

6. Bilingual in English and Chinese is highly preferred.


设计研究助理Design and Research Assistant(1)

1. 对建筑、城市有兴趣和热情,专业不限;

2. 协助建筑师团队进行前期的设计、城市研究,以及后期的出版展览;

3. 熟练使用PhotoshopInDesignIllustratorPremiereMicrosoft Office等办公软件;

4. 工作细致认真、有条理,学习能力强,擅长与人沟通;

5. 良好的中英文写作能力;

6. 有良好的审美意识,具备一定的平面设计能力;

7. 有较好的建筑理论基础,熟悉多媒体表现,摄影、电影等视觉艺术爱好者优先。

1. Passionate for architecture and city;

2. Ability to multi-task, able to assist architects for design and city research, as well as publications and exhibitions;

3. Proficient in work related software such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere, and Microsoft Office;

4. Meticulous and organized, a quick learner; good inter-personal skills;

5. Good writing ability, especially in English writing;

6. Good design sensitivity and graphic design ability;

7. Good architectural theory foundation. Experience in multi-media presentation, photography, film and visual arts enthusiast preferred.



1. 建筑专业本科大四以上,或者研究生在读以及间隔年学生;

2. 实习期不短于三个月,六个月以上者优先;

3. 有出色的设计能力和研究能力;

4. 熟练运用计算机软件或者擅长手工模型;

5. 有实习经验者优先;

6. 实习补助 > 2000/月。

1. Master student, student in the gap year or undergraduate student above grade 4, majoring in Architecture;

2. Minimum 3 months, 6 months and longer preferred;

3. Good design sensitivity;

4. Proficient with 3D modeling software or physical modeling;

5. Previous working experience preferred;6. Internship Stipend > 2000 rmb /month.


申请方式 To Apply

1. 请发送简历与作品集至公司邮箱:hr@openarch.com

2. 请在邮件标题里注明“姓名+申请职位”;

3. 请于邮件正文注明薪金要求及起始工作或实习日期;

4. 简历中需包含个人信息、联系方式及个人近照;作品集中务必包含学生时期的作品,如果有绘画等有代表性的视觉艺术作品,也请提供;

5. 简历、作品集请直接以附件形式发送,格式为PDF,大小限于10Mb内,不接受任何压缩文件或下载超链接;

6. 请申请者在对OPEN的实践有所了解并确实感兴趣的基础上,提交符合以上要求的申请;

7. 我们会在收到申请后的四周内,邮件或电话联系合格的申请者安排面试,请耐心等待。

1. For interested candidates please email CV and portfolio (in PDF format) tohr@openarch.com;

2. Please kindly indicate salary expectations and available starting date;

3. Attachment size is limited to a maximum of 10 Mb. Please do not include any compressed files or download links;

4. Applicants are highly encouraged to familiarize themselves with OPENs practice prior to submitting the application;

5. We will invite qualified applicants by email / phone for an interview within four weeks of receiving your application. Please be patient.

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